WHAT Do you think?

By l.t. Dravis
ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL – Wednesday, September 10, 2008 – Okay . . .Republicans, Democrats, and the media wasted another day avoiding the real issues facing the nation by going on and on about ‘lipstick on a pig’.
Come on, folks!
We’ve got serious problems and we don’t have time for this silliness!
So, Obama . . . stop running against Sarah Palin . . . let Joe debate her while you debate John McCain.
And, McCain . . . tell your surrogates to drop the phony indignation about lipstick and a pig!
We’re not buying it.
And, while you’re at it, Senator McCain, tell Sarah to stop lying about her ‘conservative credentials’.
No matter how many times she tells the lie, we know that she was for the bridge to nowhere before she wasn’t . . . okay?
Truth is, we just don’t care!
In fact, we don’t care about Sarah Palin’s record, family, history, or beliefs.
We don’t care who she’s married to, we don’t care how many kids she has, we don’t care how big her family may be, and we don’t care whether she was a runner-up in a beauty contest.
Most of all, we sure as heck don’t care about who got who pregnant, when, where, how and why.
We only care about whether or not Sarah Palin, the hockey mom, the former mayor, and twenty-some month governor of a state with fewer people than
After all, Senator McCain is 72 years old, has had more than a few bouts with cancer, and, frankly, he doesn’t appear to be the most physically fit presidential candidate we’ve ever seen.
Let’s get to the heart of the matter . . . what do you think of Sarah Palin?
I’m talking about whether or not you think she’s qualified to become President of the
So, do you really think that Sarah Palin possesses the ability, the confidence, and the shrewdness it’ll take to successfully negotiate with world leaders like Prime Minister Putin, Hu Jintao, Hugo Chavez, Nuri al-Maliki, King Abdullah II, or the Saudi Arabian Royal Family?
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the political savvy, the insight, the relationships, and the leadership qualities necessary to reach across political aisles in the House of Representatives and in the United States Senate to advance an aggressive agenda of ‘change-legislation’ required to rebuild our domestic and international economies, to rebuild our educational institutions to prepare our children to compete with students in other countries, to repair our crumbling infrastructure, to rebuild our moral, economic, political, and military standing in the world, to revamp and modernize our military institutions including reserves and the National Guard, and to reduce the size of and eliminate waste in the federal government?
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the background, education, and experience necessary to recruit, motivate, and inspire capable cabinet members, department heads, and to select and appoint qualified Federal judges and Supreme Court Justices?
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the vision, the wisdom, and the skills necessary to create, design, build, and drive the broad-based ‘green’ infrastructure we need to lead the
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the knowledge, understanding, and tenacity necessary to rebuild
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the courage, fortitude, and strength required to successfully prosecute the war on terror to ensure the safety of
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin has the judgment, strength, and temperament to be a wise, prudent, and effective Commander-in-Chief of the strongest military in the history of the world?
If so, why?
Do you think that Sarah Palin is the best qualified person in the entire country to become President of the
If so, why?
So what do you think of Sarah Palin?
Think she can do the job?
Not sure?
You’ve got fifty-some days to find out.
Hope you’ll watch closely.
Join the conversation about politics from the working person’s point of view, BOTH SIDES NOW style, at http://bothsidesnowbiz.blogspot.com/
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